Seven Tips for Winning in Call of Duty: Blackout Blackout 4


For the first time in the history of the Call of Duty franchise, we must incorporate it into the new Call of Duty without a single-player campaign in its own right. Black Ops 4 has rather the Blackout mode, the Treyarch interpretation of the Battle Royale genre. In our review, Amador was already talking about this choice and in this article we give you some tips for surviving in Blackout. Because being the last of more than eighty men, it is of course a big challenge.

1. Know what you're playing

Blackout is a different sports discipline from the usual Call of Duty multiplayer and the sooner you realize it, the better. While the multiplayer Call of Duty has been known for years for its high speed, Battle Royale games are much slower. Logic, because if you fold, the game for you also ends immediately.

Blackout requires more strategy and a more cautious game. Unnecessary fighting can be better, the cover is your great friend and the vast plains that you can avoid as much as possible.

2. Be aware of basics

Efficiency is a major asset in Battle Royale games. Every second you deal with the loot lying on the ground or with the contents of your backpack, you are an incredibly easy target. It is important to keep an eye on the priority lot. Finding a weapon is of course crucial. Armor is also an appreciable benefit and surviving without drugs is a daunting challenge. In addition, you receive a first aid 25 HP, add a care kit 50 health and enlarge a kit of trauma your health bar to 200 (50 more than the number of HP points you start with.

The benefits can give you a substantial benefit in situ, but you do not always have to spend your time on it.For example, the engineer (which facilitates the viewing of nearby vehicles) can be helpful if you know that you have to travel a long distance, but that it's a less relevant benefit over the past few years minutes from a match, in which is hidden in buildings.

Also make sure that you possess weapons that can be used for both short and long distances Take a walk with a shooter launcher [19] 459011] and rocket may seem fun, but that does not exactly increase your chances of survival. Especially because rocket launchers are particularly useful for vehicles and less for independent opponents.

3. Communicate

If your Blackout only plays solo, you can immediately forget it. If you play Duos or Quads, then realize that communication is crucial. It may sound like a doer, but as a good communicating team, you have a huge advantage. This allows you to combine the environment much more efficiently. Not only can you better locate your opponents, but you can also flip useful items and useful items.

Of course, it is good to have, for example, a large stock of medication and trauma kits. However, if your teammates have to settle for only one bandage, it is wise to give your measurements some extras.

4. Master the wingsuit

A good start represents half the work and it's certainly true in Battle Royale games. By being on the ground earlier than the others, you can already hold a weapon even before someone else has landed. Make sure to get off fully when you get out of the helicopter to reach maximum speed.

Once you have reached maximum speed (you see at the bar to the right of the three triangles), you can set your heading. only change to get where you want to land. Nice extra: the wingsuit is not limited to the beginning of each pot. If you jump from a high structure, for example the dam, you can also use the wingsuit!

5. Do not Forget Your Advantages

As in Call of Duty's classic multiplayer, Blackout also has advantages . Not only do you have to collect them first, but you must also activate them manually. It is tempting to keep them for the "finals" because a benefit can give you a little extra.

In the middle of battle, however, you have something else in mind that puts your benefits. Since the benefits are pleasing, it is wise not to keep them too long. Dead, you have very little unused resources to improve your stock.

6. Watch the Mystery Box

The Mystery Box may appear in various places on the map and is highlighted by a blue light beam. The mystery box guarantees a load of good loot, but that does not happen simply. For this, you must first see through a horde of zombies, which is obviously not without struggle.

Zombies can have a lot of bullets. So, do not rush to the mystery box when you spot the blue light beam. If you fight the horde of zombies in all your enthusiasm, you are an easy target for other players. Good loot and many moves attract more players, so be on your guard. Or let your opponents do the dirty work themselves to surprise them when they recover their loot.

7. Use vehicles deliberately

Although it may be worth tearing the map with an ATV or using a helicopter or truck with your team, it is often best to park the vehicles. Of course, it can be useful to move quickly from one vehicle to another (especially with a blue circle approaching), but be aware that you do it in a particularly noisy way.

The other players know that you will arrive. and this often brings you into a prejudicial fire fight. The opponents know exactly where you are, but the opposite is not always obvious.

More blackout tips? Above all, let us know in the comments!

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