Shorttrackster Schulting takes silver at 500 meters at the World Cup | Now


Suzanne Schulting won the silver medal at the 500 meters in the United States at Salt Lake City during the second World Cup of the season.

The skater led the entire race forward. In the home stretch, she tried to overtake Poland's Natalia Maliszweska with a foot but Schulting just did not follow.

Yara van Kerkhof finished in the final, which had to be repeated twice. after falling, fifth.

Schulting had won the 1,000 meters a day earlier, the distance they won the Olympic title in Pyeongchang earlier this year.

Knegt was the best on the 1,500 meters Saturday. Sunday, he was eliminated in the quarterfinals of the 500 meters.

Alternate Success Redemption Teams

The short runners did not win a medal at the second World Cup in Salt Lake City.

The Dutch team with Rianne de Vries, Van Kerkhof, Schulting and Lara van Ruijven were leading for much of the race, but lost their first position after a difficult change. The quartet was fourth. South Korea finally won the race.

The men did not qualify for the final in Salt Lake City. The Dutch foursome was eliminated in the quarter-finals. Just like a week ago, the victory was won by Hungary.

In the new mixed relay, a new Olympic Games in 2022, the Netherlands won the silver medal just like a week earlier in Calgary. Daan Breeuwsma, Knegt, Van Ruijven and Schulting had to leave Hungary alone.

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