Siemens nevertheless concludes a contract for a major energy order in Iraq Now


The German industrial group Siemens seems to be receiving a major energy project in Iraq. The German company signed Sunday a "protocol agreement" with the Iraqi government for the development of power plants. Previously, the price of the German industrial federation BDI had attracted much criticism.

The project, which represents some $ 15 billion, will eventually be awarded to Siemens.

Besides Siemens, the American General Electric (GE) was also in the race for the project. GE strongly supported the US authorities. They even threatened to take action against Iraq if the country wished to join forces with Siemens. The United States would also have promised weapons to Iraq.

The emphatic intervention of Americans went against the painful leg of the largest German industrial federation in Germany, among others. According to the IDB, the attitude of Americans influences business decisions. The American way of working is also unacceptable, said the director of the BDI, Joachim Lang, against the German newspaper . on issues such as employment, hours of work and bank guarantees.

Siemens promised affordable and reliable electricity. Germans also work to fight corruption and help build schools and hospitals. According to the Siemens Summit, these promises were the decisive factor.

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