Smartphones are often an easy loot for pickpockets


A study conducted by Kaspersky Lab in 37 European countries showed that the smartphone is still not protected in Belgium and the Netherlands. This facilitates pickpockets collection on personal data

Smartphone as personal assistant

We are more and more attached to our smartphone. With this, we seek information via the Internet, we send emails, we make appointments, we take pictures, we do banking. Our smartphone becomes a "personal assistant" who knows a lot of confidential information from us. 27% and 40% of smartphone users in Belgium and the Netherlands make online banking respectively. 42.5% of the Belgian population and 55% of the Dutch population consult their personal e-mail account on the smartphone. 49% of Belgians and Dutch are on social media.

Kaspersky Lab's research shows that this personal information can be accessed quite easily by others. Kaspersky Lab interviewed 501 Dutch and 1017 Belgians for this. This showed that in Belgium and the Netherlands, only 50% of respondents have secured their smartphone with a password. Only 11% in the Netherlands and 10.5% in Belgium code their data to prevent unauthorized access. Harco Enting, managing director of Kaspersky Lab Benelux, adds: "We are all very attached to our mobile phones because they give us access to essential information anywhere and anytime. devices, but it is very easy if there is no password, while the device and data can be protected in a few simple steps. With anti-theft protection, all valuable data and equipment is protected against loss and theft. "

Only a password is not enough

You can lose your personal information by losing your device Only 41% of Belgians and 48% of Dutch regularly save their data Only 21% of Dutch and 12% of Dutch Belgians use anti-theft features on their smartphone, such as searching for your smartphone remotely or remotely resetting your smartphone.You can often set these security features on your smartphone.

Is your smartphone secure enough? What security features do you use?

Source: Kaspersky Lab

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