Some 40,000 tourists have been affected by financial problems TravelBird | Now


Some 40,000 tourists were affected by the financial problems of the TravelBird travel agency. Most of them are Dutch.

Carin Beckers, Deputy Director of the SGR Guarantee Fund, said on the occasion of a report by Telegraaf .

. The SGR is now busy, with tour operator TUI, to end the holidays of some 6,000 people.

According to Beckers, the hotels on site were not paid in advance by TravelBird. Air tickets are paid in advance. SGR has previously indicated that it would help TravelBird travelers.

Travelbird states that due to seasonal fluctuations in recent months, there is a backlog of payments. The 310-employee travel company was looking for new funding to fill the gap, but it did not work. This is why TravelBird was forced to request an adjournment of payment.

Travelers did not find hotels at

The group was founded in 2010 and was only profitable during the first half of this year. At that time, seven million travelers booked through TravelBird.

The Consumers Association recently warned of potential problems with TravelBird. Vacationers who had booked a trip were unable to enter their hotel. They were banned because Travelbird had not paid.

In some cases, travelers had to transfer money themselves to enter the hotel room. The customer service of the travel organization was also difficult to reach. TravelBird then stated that the problems had been fixed.

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