Sonja Silva married for the fourth time Entertainment


"Bittersweet, but I feel incredibly happy," wrote Sonja Saturday on Instagram. In the message, the former TMF-vj, aged 41, told her that she was married again, as she did not want to celebrate her last time because of her father's death. of time before the wedding.

Together with her brothers and her aunt, she went to Cape Verde this week to "bring back" her father, as she had promised her at the time. "It was too painful.We promised to make the wedding one day and a little less than four years later, we got to this point! We renewed our wedding vows and he said yes! Again ! "

The actress, who played in series like On the way to tomorrow and Penoza married in 2004 with Eddy Stuy with whom she has the son Damian (14). In 2012, his marriage ended with Declan Vermaat .

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