#SorryJohan I was bullied and spit because I am gay & # 39; Entertainment


The football analyst reacted last week in the TV program to a letter addressed to the KNVB by two gay football fans to draw attention to the "homo-hostile" atmosphere in football stadiums. Derksen showed his understanding of the action, but also said that homosexuals should be able to be beaten. "You are not immediately homophobic when you make a joke We are really turning a little in this country."

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After that the country had criticized Derksen's statements, the subject was revisited. discussed at the table. "I will not be fooled by two young hysterical homosexuals, it's no more than two boys who send a note to the KNVB, about which we then make some jokes.They must become big boys", according to the former editor of Voetbal International .

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Coming Out Of The Closet

Also When The Presenter Wilfred Genee asked him if he could not imagine that the two letter writers had problems with Derksen's statements, he replied: "We just have to accept stop pretending that it's so difficult to get out of this closet.If you have a little character, you come out.It's not that homosexuals be declared holy, no joke can be made.This selective indignation begins to make me hang my throat. .

And in particular, the remark that it is not so difficult to get out of the closet led to the creation of the hashtag #SorryJohan. Dozens of LGBT people tell on Twitter how much it has cost them trouble, including intolerance and the resulting bullying. For example, Mats Bergman says, "#SorryJohan, whom I've been beaten in class for years, has been insulted verbally and has become.I must explain that I am as masculine as my colleague I can not kiss my husband in Feyenoord because we are afraid of being stronger than the others, but we can not always do it Sorry. "


The hashtag evokes the emotions of many people. "No voice when I read #SorryJohan, twitteraar writes Linsey ." I think the only thing we have to say "sorry" In this world is the fact that it is necessary to go out of the closet, so that you never have to justify yourself as a heterosexual for the love you feel. Love is love, and things like that. "The head of the PvdA Lodewijk Asscher says he is moved by all the stories." Sad after reading #SorryJohan – so much pain. Who you like You deserve support instead of being ridiculous. "

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