South Korea and the United States resume joint military exercises – World


The navy exercises were part of a selection of maneuvers suspended indefinitely in June after the North Korean summit in Singapore in June. Then Trump promised to stop the expensive and "very provocative" exercises.

However, a spokesman for the South Korean Ministry of Defense said Monday that the exchange program for the Korean maritime sector, which concerns about 500 US and South Korean navies, is now being resumed for a two-week period in Pohang, in the south-west of the country. the country.

"We said earlier that we would organize exercises between South Korea and the United States on a small scale or at battalion level", it seems.

In South Korea, 28,500 US troops are set up to protect Seoul from North Korea's nuclear power.

Yongyang has consistently described South Korea and Washington's joint defense exercises for years as repeating the invasion of his territory.

These annual maneuvers, called "Ulchi Freedom Guardian" and involving tens of thousands of soldiers, were suppressed in August after the meeting between Trump and Kim. An air force exercise scheduled for December has also been postponed.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo meets North Korean Secretary Kim Yong Chol this week in Washington.

The two ministers will discuss denuclearization and a second summit between the United States and North Korea. On Friday, North Korea threatened to revive its nuclear program if the US did not lift economic sanctions against Pyongyang.

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