Stanford Releases Details of Heartbeat Study with Apple Watch – Tablets and Phones – News


The prestigious Stanford University has published an article explaining how to track more than 400,000 Apple Watch users to discover cardiac arrhythmias in people who have never been accompanied by a cardiologist.

published in the American Heart Journal, Stanford explains how the clinical study with Apple Watch works. Although the university has already indicated that it would conduct a large-scale study among volunteers with an Apple Watch watch on the onset of cardiac arrhythmias, the paper provides a first glimpse of these plans. people gave up and the recruitment period ended. Those who have dropped out will be followed shortly as they will wear their Apple Watch, regularly measuring their heart rate. Users must also install the corresponding application on their iPhone.

The intention is to determine whether the smart watch can help to recognize cardiac rhythm abnormalities, caused for example by atrial fibrillation of the heart. Stanford researchers indicate that these abnormalities remain hidden in a large number of people because they have no symptoms at first. Stanford also wants to determine if the detection of abnormal heartbeat also entails contact with health professionals for further research.

The study also causes a sensation because it is completely virtual. For example, what is known as "electronic consent" is used, whereby participants digitally give their permission to participate in the study. The so-called informed consent procedure is one of the ethical pillars of clinical research, in which participants must not only give their approval, but also indicate that they understand what the study involves and what who is expected. In addition, all study visits are done digitally in the Apple Heart study with the help of telehealth in which conversations with the study physicians are performed remotely.

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