Stephen Hawking wheelchair auctioned for 340,000 euros Now


Articles by physicist Stephen Hawking, who died this year, were auctioned for hundreds of thousands of euros. His thesis was 670,000 euros, his wheelchair more than 340,000 euros and 340,000 euros in prizes and medals.

Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76 in his hometown of Cambridge. He was suffering from a muscle disease, ALS, which is incurable and where nerve cells are affected until the body is completely paralyzed. The ability to think remains intact.

In October, auction house Christies announced that some Hawking items would be put to death, including his wheelchair, various scientific articles and a worn bomber jacket. The auction was completed yesterday.

Hawking's thesis was to yield between 114,000 and 170,000 euros, but almost four times more. The wheelchair, which was to deliver between 11 000 and 17 000 euros, was put under the hammer for more than 3 tons.

Sharing proceeds from sale to a charity

A portion of the proceeds from the sale goes to two charities, the Stephen Hawking Foundation and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Hawking created its foundation to fund research on cosmology, astrophysics and particle physics. The Motor Neurone Disease Association conducts research on neuronal diseases

Hawking considered himself primarily a scientist, but he also accepted and appreciated his celebrity status. He appeared a few times in an episode of the famous television series The Simpsons and he kept a statue of his character in the series in his office.

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