"Stop fighting Asian mosquitoes" Interior


"The Asian forest mosquito is widespread between Lelystad and Zeewolde, and according to the inspection services, this mosquito represents only a small additional risk of disease spread in the Netherlands.

the RIVM, the laboratory mosquito seems able to transmit certain diseases, but outside of it. "In addition, there is no indication that the mosquito of Asian forests plays a role in the spread of infectious diseases in areas where it is spread. This means that the risk to health is very low for this mosquito and comparable to the mosquitoes that normally occur in the Netherlands. "

Dengue Fever

The Invasive Stop Foundation Exoten warned earlier this year that the government will prevent dangerous mosquitoes from settling in the Netherlands such as the tiger mosquito and the Asian forest mosquito. Organization, the Asian forest mosquito is annoying because it crosses the day .Also, it is "not excluded" that these mosquitoes spread diseases such as zika and dengue.

RIVM, the fight against Asian forest mosquitoes can be effective where it is not yet widespread.According to the inspection services, the new council has no consequence on the fight against of other exotic mosquitoes such as tiger mosquito and yellow fever mosquito in the Netherlands

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