Stupefy of a racist man on the Ryanair flight abroad


Another passenger filmed the incident, reports the Huffington Post. Every answer from the 77-year-old lady is drowned in a call. A man behind the two tries to calm them down. He exhorts the scolding traveler to stop his story several times.

Watch the video here:

A steward tries to appease the situation and asks the woman if she wants to sit somewhere else. This hits many netizens against the chest. Finally, the racist man succeeds and the woman has to sit somewhere else. Satisfied, he says, "All right, she's gone."

The woman's daughter told the Huffington Post that she will never fly with Ryanair again. "If a black passenger had behaved in this way, he would have immediately called the police and this passenger would have been immediately removed from the map," she explains.

Ryanair response

Ryanair lets react briefly to the height. of the incident. The airline reported the incident to the police

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