'Successor of the Android operating system will appear within five years' | NOW


The Fuchsia project has been under development since 2016 Bloomberg . More than a hundred developers are working on the operating system and, according to one initiator, the software will be able to replace Android on phones within five years.

Fuchsia would be available in three years for loudspeakers and other "smart home devices". In the end Fuchsia must become a global operating system for all types of devices.

Android would have some limitations now that more and more gadgets and other devices are connected to the Internet. The software must also work better with voice control and the system will be updated more frequently.


According to Bloomberg the discussion of Fuchsia's privacy policy is internal to Google. User data would be more protected from third parties, which would allow advertisers to show their advertising in a less targeted way. Advertisements are an important part of Google's revenue model.

The development of Fuchsia has been mentioned for some time. In May of last year, already had early images of the operating system. The software showed no icons, but cards with information and suggestions.

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