Superman star Henry Cavill says sorry for the statements of MeToo Entertainment


"Now that I have seen the reactions to an article, especially those concerning my ideas about dating and the MeToo movement, I would like to apologize for the confusion and misunderstanding that this has created, "says the actor in a statement to The Huffington Post . "It was not my intention to be forthright, so I would like to clarify and confirm that I raised women, this has always been and will remain so, that it 's safe. act out of a friendship, a professional bond or a relationship. "

Henry learned from his statements, says the 35-year-old. "I would never treat anyone without voluntarily without respect.This experience has been a wise lesson in context, nuance and journalistic freedom.I look forward to clarifying my point in the future on this important topic, that I support with all my heart. "

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