Swede occurs in the refugee's deportation plane


A Swedish student, Elin Ersson, refused for hours Monday to sit on her plane because she wanted to prevent the expulsion of an Afghan refugee. She broadcast her action live on Facebook. This caused irritation to her fellow travelers, but she also received support. Eventually, the Afghan was removed from the plane and Ersson had to leave the plane. His livestream has been seen a million and a half times in the meantime.

Ersson, 22, took action in the Turkish Airlines plane that was scheduled to fly from Gothenburg to Istanbul. During the shoot, she describes in English what is going on around her and what she is doing. She says: "At the bottom of the plane, there is someone who is taken to Afghanistan, there is war and he is going there, he will probably be killed. save her life. "


You can see how the flight crew asks her to sit down several times. We are also trying to pick up his phone by another passenger. She refuses, however, to sit down before the Afghan is removed from the ship. The pilot can not take off until everyone is seated. "Only when you take her on board, I go too!" She calls. Many passengers get angry, but a little later a Turkish man stands up to support Ersson. Some people start to applaud the action.


Only after two o'clock the man is kidnapped. Ersson must also leave the plane. Even then, there is applause. The penalty Ersson receives is not clear. Turkisch Airlines may hold the woman responsible for the delay and the police may also pay a fine because she has not listened to the driver. What happened to the Afghan man is not clear either. Some Swedish media say that he left, others say that the man was expelled later.

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