Te Vred detonates Breda and gives the NAC three important points


NAC left three points in the absolute final phase of the match with Heracles Almelo. The Bredanaars took advantage by a Luka Ilic goal, but were caught by Heracles in the second half. The guests rewarded this dominance with a Brandley Kuwas hit, after which Mitchell te Vrede blew up the Rat Verlegh stadium two minutes before the hour.

The first possibilities at the Rat Verlegh Stadium were for Heracles Almelo, although the local team was aggressive towards the contest began. After twenty minutes, Brandley Kuwas attempted to surprise NAC Biran van Leer with a powerful shot, but his shot was just over the target. On the other side, the balloon entered a few minutes later. After taking a turn and found the ball, Luka Ilic beat a number of Heracemies, then Janis Blaswich: 1 to 0.

Number four of the Eredivisie did not know what to do after the first goal with Breda's hekkensluiter and was no further than a desperate shot by Bart van Hintum. To make matters worse for Heracles, defender Max Rossmann had to be replaced due to an injury before the break.

The quarter-finals allowed the players of Almelo to play better. Frank Wormuth's team looked for equalization, but in the beginning it did not have a good chance. In the end, it was an individual action by Brandley Kuwas that produced 1-1. Kuwas parked on the right and found the opposite corner with the left. Shortly after, the NAC did well when Kristoffer Peterson put the ball to the post. In the final phase, Heracles put everything on the attack, but Peterson, Lerin Duarte and substitute Adrian Dalmau's attempts were unsuccessful.

When everyone was already considering a draw, it was up to Mitchell at Vrede that the home team won. poured. The striker turned away with his guard and shot the ball into the corner. As a result of the victory, the NAC will transfer Eredivisie's last place to FC Groningen. Heracles leaves after third place in the hands and tomorrow can be followed by three points by Feyenoord.

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