Teachers Feel Less Safe in High School Now


Nearly a quarter of high school teachers feel safer at school than three years ago. One in ten assesses own safety even with inadequate condition

This is evident from a survey conducted by DUO Education Research & Advisory with over a thousand high school teachers over the course of a year. last twelve months Wednesday.

Teachers rated their social security with a score of 7 or higher as satisfactory and 14 percent felt safer than 3 years ago, the average score dropped by 8.6 at 7.8 in three years.

Teachers who teach only in VMBO-based higher education or executive, often give poor grades. On average, it is a 7.1. HAVO and VWO teachers seem to feel safer at work with an average of 8.0

Almost a quarter cope with the unwanted behavior of colleagues

Overall, 23 % report being confronted with unwanted behavior by colleagues or supervisors. In most cases, this is undesirable behavior, followed by verbal harassment or violence.

A quarter of teachers were confronted with verbal abuse by students. For example, they have been verbalised, belittled or threatened. One in ten said that parents also exhibited this behavior

In addition, one in fifty teachers was the victim of physical violence by students, in particular pressure and strikes. Only three of the respondents were physically abused by their parents.

Many teachers see addicted students

Many teachers say they have seen addicted students. 39% speak of a student who was stoned in the classroom and 29% of drug trafficking in and around the school. They also met a student who committed theft (47%) or fireworks (40%).

The group with a feeling of security equal to or less than 6 indicates more often that these events take place at school. The difference is in most cases about 10%. These teachers claim that the school management does not take enough action in the event of an incident and speaks of a culture of fear.

Those who judge their social security with a 7 or more, say that this is due to the support of their colleagues and their leaders. In addition, they indicate that there are fewer incidents because control is sufficient and agreements and rules clearly defined in the school.

Are you a high school teacher and do you feel less and less secure? Share your experience in NUjij's comments below.

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