Teenagers dirty handicapped woman with flour and eggs, da …


In a park in Suffolk, England, five teens covered a disabled woman Friday with flour and eggs. Then they laughed next to her to take a picture. The police could arrest the perpetrators, all aged fifteen and seventeen.

The victim, a forty-year-old woman, was sitting on a bench in a Suffolk park when she phoned teens. In revenge, they started throwing flour and eggs on it. Then they put a photo of the incident on social media.

The police immediately opened an investigation into the facts. According to them, the woman was not physically assaulted, but she was deeply impressed by the facts.

"Such behavior is completely unacceptable," says inspector Anthony Bridgland. "This incident has eased the anxiety and anger of local residents and the Internet, and you can be sure that we are taking this matter very firmly in our hands."

Arrests [19659003] Subsequently, the police quickly arrested five teenagers. As they are still minors, their identity may not be disclosed. However, a real witch hunt broke out on social media.

"It was stupid of him to join us," reacted the mother-in-law of one of the young authors. "As far as I know, he only took the picture, so he did not launch anything himself, but of course he should never have been there in the first place. is the first time that he has gone so far. "

Katherine Bram, a friend of the victim, also reacted to the facts. "I am so sad about this, she is suffering from a serious illness that is not immediately visible to the outside world." Neighborhood people now want to help her and give her presents, but she does not care, if you still want to contribute, give money to a good cause around the mental wellbeing.These organizations can use all the support and maybe that. they will be really helped. "

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