Tens of thousands of people affected by the clearance of Munich Airport


True, 32,000 people were deceived by the authorization of Munich Airport yesterday. The German airfield was evacuated yesterday after a woman bypassed security.

The evacuation of the two terminal was worth two hundred flights. About sixty other flights suffered delays of more than half an hour. Because of the chaos, 700 people were forced to spend the night on cots.

SEE ALSO: A woman takes 200 canceled flights

The woman who caused the evacuation was arrested hand luggage was not in the bag mandatory. She was fired for a bag, but later returned without hand luggage and passed a checkpoint where no one was still there.

Police were called and the second terminal was completely evacuated. The woman was not found for a long time. The police found their hours after the terminal was released. The police wanted nothing to lose from the woman except that she was about forty and had not been arrested.

The chaos is not over yet

The nuisance is not over. The airport warns travelers that even on Sundays, delays, cancellations and longer waiting times must be taken into account

RTL Nieuws / ANP

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