Tens of Thousands Were Evacuated to a Growing Natural Fire in California Now


In the US state of California, tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee a major forest fire that has raged since Thursday morning. Local authorities speak of a "chaotic evacuation". Unconfirmed reports of victims.

The fire, dubbed Camp Fire, has already bloodied more than 3,200 hectares. Due to the strong wind and drought of the past few years, the fire is starting quickly.

Some 27,000 residents of the city of Paradise, about 240 km north of San Francisco, were called out of the city. Roads were blocked accidentally and many people left their vehicles behind and fled, according to the authorities

"We had to go through the flames to get here," a resident told the TV channel. Was escaped on motorcycle Action News Now . According to reports on social media, a hospital, a school and a supermarket would be on fire in Paradise.

"It's very chaotic, it's a very big fire," said an officer of the California Highway Patrol.

Forest fires burned more than 250,000 hectares of land in California this year. That's twice as much as in 2017 and three times more than the average of the last five years.

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