Tesla Roadster launched with Falcon Heavy flew over Mars – IT Pro – .Geeks


Certainly, the Roadster and its starman (not a star?) Are very far apart from each other. On June 8, they were very close to each other. 0.740 AU or 110 million kilometers or 370 seconds of light. Not very close.

But on October 6, 2020, the Roadster approaches much more than 7.3 million kilometers. Far away, for example, our moon is 384,000 kilometers from the Earth on average.

They fired a rocket, but you can not really name it after March. I worked around the sun until March.

The most remarkable milestones that you can place on a calendar application  :) :

– Close approach to Mars, June 8, 2018, at a distance of 0.740 AU

– Most distant point of the sun, October 10, 2018, at a distance of 1,655 UA

– Far from the Earth, February 2, August 21, 2019, at a distance of 2,446 AU.

– Close approach to the sun, August 9, 2019, at a distance of 0.983 AU

– Close approach to Mars, September 7, 16 March 2019, at a distance of 0.649 AU

– Point very far from Earth, January 24, 15, 2020, at a distance of 2336 AU

– Far from the sun, April 20, 2020, at a distance of 1,656 AU.

– Close approach to Mars, October. 6 2020, at a distance of 0.049 AU.

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