Thai soldier living with HIV allegedly raped dozens of boys


Thai soldier with HIV rapes dozens of boys

In Thailand, an HIV-infected soldier allegedly raped nearly 30 boys. The 43-year-old soldier was arrested today in a barracks in Khon Kaen, a province 450 km northeast of Bangkok. He is accused of contacting boys via a gay dating app under a fake Facebook profile, and then forcing them to have sex. He apparently sent nude photos with which he put pressure on the children. According to the police, some of the boys were only 13 years old. Up to now, 28 boys have been found, who would have misused the soldier. Presumably, he can actually exceed seventy.

The man denies all charges.

He admitted to having been infected with the human immunodeficiency virus for several years. This infection can be transmitted through sexual contact.

Source: Belga

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