The 4 Best iOS Apps in the App Store from Week 29 – 2018


The week is over and that means that a new preview of the app is waiting for you! You should not miss these new apps, games and updates for us. The best iOS apps of week 28 can be found here

The best iOS apps at a glance

The App Store runs overtime every week to deal with the tide uninterrupted new applications and updates. However, you do not notice much of this because only a small part is worth the effort of installation. If your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch can use new apps, you're at the right place here.

1.Wilson FM

Wilson FM is a new way for podcast enthusiasts to discover new podcasts. Wilson FM is a weekly podcast magazine via an app. Conservatives select the best podcast episodes once or twice a week. They do it on the basis of themes, so that whenever there is a list that is granted.

The application therefore does not use an algorithm to give each user personal suggestions for podcasts, but publishes an online magazine that they compile each week. . This makes it unnecessary to create an account for the application. Wilson FM is primarily intended to allow users to discover, without being steered by trends or highlighted episodes.

Wilson FM

Fictive Kin, LLC

2. VLC

VLC had a big update, which now supports Chromecast on iOS. With support for VLC Chromecast iPhone, you can now easily stream video from your iPhone or iPad to your TV. This allows you to watch a series or movie on your iPhone or iPad on the move and send it to your Chromecast on your TV when you get home.

Other new features are added to the media player. app. So you can now watch 360-degree videos by running your iPhone and some annoying bugs are fixed. These prevent you from seeing certain video files and make the application faster and more stable.

Learn more about VLC Chromecast Support

3. Visits

Keep track of the places you visit and find out where you can often be found unknowingly, with the Visits app. Visits automatically record the places you visited. The big advantage is that the app does not collect your location data and that Visits does not share data with advertisers or other third parties either. For example, if you use the similar Google Maps Timeline app, you will do it.

You can also track your locations via your iPhone, but Apple has hidden this list of frequently visited locations in the Settings menu. This is not always standard. Via the visits, you can see the data more quickly and you can also find more information by location. Your location history can be viewed as a list per day or marked on a map. Go back to this place by the navigation information that the app gives you or share the place with your friends.

4. Instagram

Instagram improves its two-step verification to prevent hackers from going out. Currently, it is already possible to secure your account with an SMS code, although this code can be intercepted and therefore less secure.

That's why Instagram will soon be adding the option of using two-step verification via an external application such as Google Authenticator or Authy. This application continuously generates six-digit codes that are updated after a few seconds. This makes it very difficult for an attacker to have access to your account login information and the correct authentication code in such a short time.

When new security is available is not yet clear, a developer discovered that Instagram is currently a test version in the Android version of the application.


Instagram, Inc.

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