The AEX index ends at 0.6% in addition, SBM drops 7% | NOW


In addition, the sentiment on the European stock markets was positive, partly thanks to favorable new data on orders from German factories

The AEX index on Beursplein 5 finished 0.6 percent of the most out of 552.44 points. The MidKap climbed 0.3% to 761.83 points. The London Stock Exchange gained 0.4%, Paris rose 0.9% and Frankfurt increased 1.2%.

SBM Offshore lost more than 7% of its stock market value in medium-sized funds. The oil service provider said that he was not satisfied with the interim ruling of the judge in Brazil in the case of corruption Petrobras trolling in the country

The state oil company may impose a percentage of the monthly contract payments of the court. The judge has not yet ruled on the amount of the amounts.


The most striking motor in the main index of Amsterdam was the ArcelorMittal steelworks, which gained 4%. The European Commission has announced the introduction of restrictions by the middle of the month to prevent the EU from being submerged from steel from third countries.

Due to US import duties on steel, this country is now a less attractive destination for steel shipments. The Aperam stainless steel company is also very well behaved in the MidCap with a more than 3%. Only the Besi chip company (+ 4.3%) recorded a higher price increase in this list.


Elsewhere in Europe, among others, car manufacturers were popular. In Frankfurt, for example, Volkswagen and Daimler rose about 4%. US President Donald Trump would be ready to abandon his plan to collect import duties on European cars if the EU canceled rights on US vehicles.

The euro was worth $ 1,1697, compared with $ 1,1651 on Wednesday earlier. A barrel of US oil was 0.9% lower at $ 73.50. The Brent oil price fell 0.1% to 78.16 dollars a barrel.

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