The AFC hopes for Feyenoord: "That they come to Amsterdam"


October 30, 2018
AFC coach Uli Landvreugd found that his men were again responsible for a Cup for the Olympic Stadium Cup on Tuesday. After Telstar (5-0), TOP Oss was now beaten 1-0. Landvreugd is ambitious about the draw. "I hope Feyenoord will be in the Olympic Stadium."

In conversation with FOX Sports after the Rainy Cup night in Amsterdam, Landvreugd does not hide bravura. "We are at least one of the stunt teams, yes, we knew it was possible, it was a heavy jar, but we knew we were very lucky."

Landvreugd already speaks of a fairy-tale cup after the elimination of two professional clubs. "The victory over Telstar was already excellent, but winning in this magnificent stadium is a great thing." If it depends on the trainer, a Rotterdam club will travel to the capital in the third round. "I'm hoping that Feyenoord will be in the Olympic Stadium, but that he's coming to Amsterdam, that sounds wonderful to me."

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