The Arena will be the fourth free update at sea


Battle Royale would be too easy in Sea of ​​Thieves, and that's why the developer Rare offers a different "concentrated composition player". An upcoming update for the pirate simulator was unveiled at the press conference X018: The Arena

The Sea of ​​Thieves: the arena must become a faster and more competitive mode in the game, according to executive producer ] Joe Neate at the unveiling. As a fight on demand outside the continuous online world, it is a new style of play that Rare wishes to develop in the future.

Of course, there is a physical place to meet rival pirates, and just before that, the new update will blend a new tavern environment into the formula.

The new mode was, of course, in the typical Sea of ​​Thieves style, revealed with a trailer of The Arena Announce, with a taste. on all the consequences high-risk and high reward that the adoption entails