The CDA wants to ensure that Lelystad Airport flying at low altitude does not last more than three years


If this is the responsibility of the CDA, the Lelystad Airport will only open if the guarantee is that low-level flights will not take more than three years. This was decided yesterday at the National Congress of Christian Democrats in Groningen.

The party wishing to reorganize the airspace by 2023 at the latest, the low-flying routes must then be removed. The opening of the airport planned for the following year is only allowed for the CDA, provided that the airspace was redeployed in 2023.


"There are differences between the different factions, including Gelderland and Overijssel, who want a reclassification, while Flevoland is concerned that the opening of Lelystad airport is threatened, "said Bart van Moorsel, Member of CDA Overijssel.

ChristenUnie s' is already against the use of low-altitude roads, and D66 is also critical. [19659004] Local groups

The CDA adopted this position at Lelystad airport after a resolution was tabled. was an initiative of the local CDA party in Gelderse Hattem, and they want the disappearance of low-level flights

They benefit in particular from the support of the political groups of Heerde, Oldebroek, Elburg, Epe Olst-Wijhe, Zwolle, Apeldoorn, Deventer and Dalfsen CDA Overijssel, Gelderland and Drenthe also support the proposal.

Low-flying Routes

The only way to fly with charter flights at Lelystad Airport in the current airspace is to fly low-altitude flights. Indeed, airplanes bound for Lelystad are not allowed to hinder air traffic to Schiphol.

In practice, large planes to and from the Polder Airfield would be required to fly low over long distances, with all the risks and inconveniences that would entail. . If the minister can not use the low-level air routes in his decisions, the big aircraft can not land and take off from Lelystad airport.

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