"The CIA goes to Turkey in search of Khashoggi's death" | Now


CIA Director Gina Haspel traveled to Turkey on Monday evening to investigate the death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, an anonymous source told the press agency . Reuters .

Earlier that day, the US President Donald Trump said he had sent "secret service personalities" to Turkey. He did not mention any other details.

Also on Monday, he is not satisfied with the information provided by Saudi Arabia on the death of Khashoggi. Trump was maintained by telephone with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman

. He stressed that he wished to maintain good relations with the oil country, because of the investments that this country has made in the United States against the advice of many advisers. 19659005] Prohibition to investigate a car

The Saudi consulate banned Turkish police from searching a car from the consulate parked in the Khashoggi case on Monday. CNN Türk reports that detectives could open their investigation Tuesday

The car, bearing a license plate for diplomats, was found Monday in an underground car park in Istanbul. According to Turkish media reports, the car was seen at the Saudi Arabian consulate on 2 October, when Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared.

Transfer of parcels between cars

Several Turkish media broadcast Monday pictures of 18 October. car is possible to see. The images also show that another car with a license plate for diplomats approaches and parks next door. Then a package seems to be moved from one car to the other, after which the second car leaves again. We still do not know if the images are real.

Last week, the Turkish police had already interrogated several employees of the consulate. Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan has for the moment said nothing about the investigation. Earlier, he had said that he would give more information on Tuesday.

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