The Circus of the Tour de France waits, prepares and prepares for Team LottoNL-Jumbo


DEN BOSCH – The LottoNL-Jumbo Team riders will arrive in France Wednesday, a few days before the start of the Tour de France. In the race for the great cycling race, the truck loaded with materials was loaded in Den Bosch. From several liters of water to the bikes of runners. This is no different from other races, but you always feel the difference in the cycling team. "It's a circus, a lot of stress."

Concierge Gérard Spierings was busy packing before leaving. "We really have to take a lot of things with us." In addition to energy bars, thirst-quenchers, extra food and extra drinks, 40 boxes with about 50 bottles are also included.

The truck arriving Wednesday in France is too small to carry everything. A van, full to the point, drives behind the truck. Spierings, originally an engineer by profession, leaves nothing to chance. "We calculate how much we need for each runner.We make a plan, which is entirely drawn up on paper."

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Concierge Gerard Spierings thinks that the & circus & # 39; is quite beautiful

Difference with the Tour [19659007] Schijndel Spiers is anxiously awaiting the Tour, although his work "in itself" is no different from other bike tours. "But there is a lot more pressure, there are many more people, in the Tour de Suisse we have six employees, in the Tour there are 12. There is also a lot more media attention In Switzerland, you can work under the wind, now there is a lot more stress. "

Mechanic Dirk van de Ven does not see him any different. "The work is the same for us, but the interests for the riders and the team are bigger.We are with about the same group as normal and we are really only occupied by the work. that's why we do not get a lot of madness. "

" We have to make sure everything is in perfect order, but we want it every race, "says Van de Ven. mechanic Den Bosch is relaxed in the race at the big round. "We make sure we do not have any stress, we started at the hour and everything went well."

Spierings gets mad during the Tour. And that makes it so beautiful the three weeks in France. "I like working in this stress.It is something different.With a little trick after you are alone, then few people are interested.All comes to you here.The bustle, the Circus, is beautiful to experiment. "

Published: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 – 14:34
Modified: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 – 15:55
Author: Fabian Eijkhout

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