The company banishes meat for employees


WeWork, the American company that rents offices and flexible workspaces, removes meat from the menu. This means that it is no longer sold in the company's branches and that the six thousand employees are no longer allowed to declare meals containing meat.

Beef, pork and chicken are forbidden, writes management in an email staff. The fish is always allowed. Thousands of animal lives

The company says that it emits less carbon dioxide, is more efficient with water and can save thousands of lives. The policy started immediately. No meat is on the menu at the company's annual summer meeting, which takes place in Britain in August.

About 5,000 employees attend this meeting. WeWork says the measure alone saves the lives of 10,000 animals during this so-called summer camp.

More straws

WeWork is one of the first big companies to banish meat radically. It joins the line of companies that have recently announced measures for a more sustainable policy.

For example, the Starbucks coffee chain, Hilton and Hyatt hotel chains and American Airlines and Alaskan Airlines announced that they would stop distributing straws to reduce plastic waste. The Dutch branch of McDonald's also wants to stop using straws.

There is no meat in this steak

We enjoyed a 100% meat-free steak. And uh … it was not disappointing!

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