The doping case against the short tracker Van Kerkhof suspended by WADA | Now


Yara van Kerkhof can start the new season of short track without worries. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) withdrew its appeal against it by the Sports Court (CAS)

. This was announced Wednesday. The winner of silver in the 500 meters at the Olympics in South Korea therefore has more to fear from sanctions.

The International Union of Trade Unions (ISU) discovered in 2015 and 2016 two abnormal blood values ​​in Van Kerkhof's biomedical passport. On this basis, a disciplinary procedure was opened against the 28-year-old short tracker.

Due to a clear medical explanation, Van Kerkhof was acquitted by the ISU Discipline Committee. WADA, however, wanted the CAS to review the case, but now it is back.

The Agency concluded that a set of factors for divergent values ​​constitutes its biomedical passport. Van Kerkhof also has a deviation from the bloodstream of his lungs due to a congenital heart defect. This would occur mainly during stays at height as well as during long air journeys.

Van Kerkhof already had a good result

Van Kerkhof was convinced from the beginning of the case, who played since June of last year, that every impulse "was totally unjustified and unfounded" "I'm in favor of a clean sport, that's why I'm really happy that after a year and a half of fighting, the truth has finally been defeated and that my innocence is proven." , she said.

Van Kerkhof gathered around him a team of lawyers, a sports doctor and at least ten medical specialists.

Zoetermeer was the subject of numerous studies this summer in the Netherlands and spent several weeks in Salt Lake City to be able to perform tests at height, for which she has to pay tens of thousands of euros from her own pocket.

Van Kerkhof, who also won the Olympic bronze in Pyeongchang, starts in November with the selection Dutch in Calgary at the World Cup (November 2-4). National coach Jeroen Otter's team will then travel to Salt Lake City for the second tournament (Nov. 9-11).

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