The European Commission clears Microsoft to take over GitHub – IT Pro – News


The European Commission has authorized the acquisition of GitHub by Microsoft. According to the body of the European Union, nothing says that the repurchase will distort the competition, because there are enough other actors.

In a communication, the Commission states that the authorization was granted without any other requirement. In addition to the conclusion that there is no risk of competition, the Commission states that "there is no reason for Microsoft to undermine the open nature of GitHub". This reinforces the Commission's claim that Microsoft does not have the necessary market power. In such a case, the developers could move to other platforms.

Microsoft announced in June its intention to acquire GitHub for $ 7.5 billion and said this acquisition was to be finalized by the end of the year. He also indicated that GitHub would continue to operate independently. After the announcement, it appeared that other companies were interested in the software platform. A high-ranking woman on Google confirmed that the search giant was interested. According to CNBC sources, Amazon and Atlassian were among the other companies.

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