The Export of Dirty Diesel Does Not Meet the Financial Rules


They violate the regulation on substances (REACH). As a result, according to the Inspectorate, "mixtures may occur and pose an unknown risk to humans and the environment during storage, transfer and combustion". It's not always clear what substances are included in gasoline and diesel.

Those who go to Africa may contain far more carcinogens and toxic substances than benzene and sulfur than in the EU. "Fuel traders are using these wider standards optimally," says the Inspectorate. For example, gasoline in the EU may contain 1% benzene, but in gasoline for the West African market the ILT found 40% benzene

Waste Act

Also when mixing substances for fuel oil for seagoing ships make it hurt. Here, according to the LTI, the legislation on waste has been violated. In particular, the mandatory information on the substances provided and mixed are often incorrect, writes the ILT in its report. There is a criminal and administrative law against it. Rotterdam, with a turnover of 6 billion euros, is one of the largest oil storage sites for seagoing vessels.

Van Veldhoven wants the fuel sector "be aware of the consequences on environmental health" "She finds" a strict maintenance in place. "The inspection will also investigate the application in the European Union.

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