The former Catalan leader Puigdemont launches a new party Now


One year after the proclamation of independence in Catalonia, former Catalan leader Charles Puigdemont on Saturday launched his new party.

The new party, Crida Nacional (National Appeal), was launched at a conference held at Manresa Dependency City, written The Guardian. In the vicinity of this Catalan city, is also the prison where former Catalan leaders are stranded. Puigdemont himself was not present at the launch, but delivered a speech from Brussels that was broadcast live.

Puigdemont attempts again to bring together a group of separatists in the struggle for independence from Spain. Crida Nacional does not have much support yet.

"A year ago, we decided to continue the fight, regardless of the circumstances and events, and many of the former president's allies are imprisoned and others choose a a more moderate political path, we would commit to building a better country, a republic, "said Puigdemont in his speech. He also mentioned the division within the separatist camp. "We must continue to fight as a unit and not blame each other."

Many of his former allies have now adopted more moderate positions and refused to join the new party.

Protesters demand the liberation of separatist leaders

] Puigdemont took refuge in Belgium

In Catalonia, a referendum on independence took place on October 1st. Spanish police cracked and dozens wounded. A majority voted in favor of separating Spain, but Madrid refused to recognize the vote because, according to the Spanish government, the vote was illegal.

After the referendum, a conflict pitted the Spanish government against the Catalan government. Puigdemont declared its independence on 27 October, unable to reach an agreement after 1 October. Madrid responded by taking control of Catalonia.

The day-to-day administration was suspended and many prominent separatist politicians, including Puigdemont, were persecuted by the Spanish government. A number of them were arrested, but the former leader fled to Belgium with five others. Puigdemont was arrested by the German police in March, but it was not finally handed over to Spain

Last June, the Catalan government, led by the newly elected regional prime minister, Quim Torra , took control of Catalonia from Madrid. [19659003] Would you like to know every morning what you missed during the night and what will happen on that day? Subscribe now to our This is the information letter!

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