"The former German intelligence chief Maassen is still being fired"


The former head of the German intelligence services Hans-Georg Maassen must leave the Ministry of the Interior, reports the DPA news agency. In a farewell speech, which had already been circulated to BfV intelligence services, Maassen was keen to defend his controversial statements about the unrest that took place in the city of Chemnitz, in East Germany. It's costing him the head now.

Maassen was fired in September as director general of the German intelligence services after making controversial statements about violence in Chemnitz. He was then promoted far away.

At first, he would become secretary of state, but this caused a crisis in the coalition between CDU, CSU and SPD. Interior Minister Seehofer (CSU) remained behind his colleague, while the left-wing SPD coalition member preferred to leave him. A function specially created for the ministry by Maassen put an end to the crisis.

But this is now irrelevant, according to the DPA. Preparations would be made for a dismissal procedure. A spokesman for the ministry says that "the necessary steps" are being taken against Maassen, but does not want to give details.

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