"The former head of German intelligence Maassen still away from the department"


Former German intelligence chief Hans-Georg Maassen has to leave the Ministry of the Interior, report the German media. In a farewell speech, which had already been circulated to the BfV intelligence service, Maassen reiterated his controversial statements about the unrest in Chemnitz, in eastern Germany. He also strongly criticized the coalition of the CDU, the CSU and the SPD.

The SPD mainly suffered from the leaked speech. Maassen wrote about the "far left forces" within this party. It seems to be costing her head now. He would be fired or retired sooner than planned, announced both the DPA news agency and broadcaster ZDF.


Maassen was fired in September as director of the German intelligence services, after making controversial statements about violence in Chemnitz. He was then promoted.

At first he became secretary of state, but this led to a coalition crisis. Interior Minister Seehofer (CSU) remained behind Maassen, while the Social Democrat SPD preferred to leave. A special post created for Maassen at the ministry puts an end to the crisis.

He does not assume this function at the moment. A spokesman for the ministry says that "the necessary steps" are being taken against Maassen, but does not want to give details.

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