The French remain flat across the country because of expensive diesel


French drivers no longer take gasoline prices upwards or additional taxes. They want to paralyze traffic in more than 500 places in the country. President Macron says that he understands anger, but does not want to bind himself. "I prefer to impose additional taxes on fuel than on work."

"Send your fuel bills to Macron." This appeal from a motor vehicle association is receiving a considerable audience in France. During the past year, the price of diesel has increased by 23% and that of gasoline by 15%. A liter of diesel now costs more than 1.60 euros. Even if it is cheaper than here: here, a liter of diesel costs 1.63 euro.

Symbol of dissatisfaction, yellow safety vests appear on the windows of cars in France. French motorists have now decided to block motorways and service stations across the country on November 17th.

Supermarkets Support

Even large supermarket chains support the population. For example, the Leclerc group sells its fuel at purchase prices, in protest. "Today's dissatisfaction is justified and it is important that we send a clear signal to the government," said Michel-Édouard Leclerc, president of the company. The Carrefour supermarket chain is also taking action and selling fuel at purchase prices until November 17. Remarkably, this translates into a reduction of "only" 2 to 10 cents per liter. This relatively small difference clearly indicates that it is not the service stations that will generate the big profit. The price of fuel is 60% tax. And from January 2019, there will be an increase in the fuel tax. The French do not understand this: a survey reveals that 78% of the population is behind the demonstration

The French president Macron does not listen to the demonstration. He "prefers additional taxes on fuel than on labor". According to him, the price increase has an ecological reason: he wants the least possible diesel cars on French roads. In 2011, 70% of French cars were still equipped with a diesel engine, compared with 39% now. But Macron also understands the population: "For decades, we have been urging everyone to buy a diesel engine and now we say the opposite, they feel trapped and find it unfair."

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