The giant of the WeWork office space prohibits meat consumption within the company


Last Updated 8:41 pm

WeWork, a US supplier of flexible workstations worldwide and three branches in Amsterdam, no longer wishes to consume meat within the United States. Company becomes. In an email to all six thousand employees, co-founder Miguel McKelvey explains that the radical step is taken from environmental considerations. "New research shows that meat is a major contribution that an individual can make to reduce his personal impact on the environment.More than switching to a hybrid car." The company believes that the measure will allow Save two kilotonnes of CO2 emissions by 2023 and save the lives of 15.5 million animals.

WeWork, one of the American start-ups the most successful, just as companies like AirBnB focus on the "social" aspects of the market.The company does not only rent out spaces but also organizes events where tenants can meet. that tenants form a "community" with the help of such meetings.Therefore there is also free coffee, as well as yoga classes.People with medical or religious objections to the 39, ban on meat are invited to contact the saying ction to see if a solution can be found.

Investigations by The Guardian publishers, who also rent premises in the company, learn that events organized by third parties can still serve meat. Only meetings paid by WeWork will now be meatless. This can be difficult in practice because WeWork sponsors many events

cc-photo: TedX Sao Paolo at WeWork's Brazilian Local Branch

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