The internet speed of the iPhone X disappoints according to a new research


According to recent figures, the download speed of the iPhone 8, the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone X is significantly lower than that of the competition, including Google and Samsung

19659003] That said Ookla known for the popular Internet speed test. The Samsung Galaxy S9 downloads at an average speed of 38.9 megabits per second (Mbps), while the iPhone 8 "only" 28.6 Mbps.

The iPhone X was slightly faster at a rate of 29.7 Mbps, but the Samsung may The flag does not follow either. The Google Pixel 2 brings back the money at the speed of 34.4 Mbps. The slowest smartphone was the Huawei Mate 10 Pro. This allowed to reach a speed of only 22 Mbps.

 A12-chip production

The download speed is important because a higher value ensures that you do not have to wait long before loading your Netflix movie. Web pages also load faster. In addition, you can increase the quality of videos and make it easier to understand FaceTime conversations.

Actual Actual User Data

These results are based on speed tests performed by real users. This also makes the Ookla data so important. Generally, manufacturers try to boast of tests that have been performed under ideal conditions. This in everyday life many factors influence the speeds obtained, such as the distance to a lathe network.

In a reaction to Bloomberg Apple announces that current iPhones are fast enough to perform everyday tasks. "Thanks to the advanced A11 chipset of the iPhone 8 (Plus) and the iPhone X, you can enjoy a wireless broadband internet connection. In addition, devices around the world offer the best 4G coverage. "

Also read: A11 chip of the iPhone 8 and X is just as powerful as the MacBook Pro

] iPhone 8 Plus second print [19659003] The data is interesting because it seems that phone manufacturers are increasingly competing with specifications, rather than design, and there are currently a lot of experiences with 5G. times faster than 4G, so Internet speed could become more important in the future.

As is often the case with this kind of test, it is still unclear whether the speed actually varies The search is based on US data where the network is generally less opaque than in the Netherlands.This means you have virtually no 4G connection in certain areas.

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