The left populist Lopez Obrador wins the Mexican elections NOW


His biggest competitor, center-right Ricardo Anaya, has to do with about 20%. Jose Antonio Meade, candidate on behalf of the Institutional Revolutionary Party of incumbent President Enrique Peña Nieto, according to the first results no more than 15 percent of the vote.

Anaya, Meade and Nieto congratulated Lopez Obrador on his victory. US President Donald Trump delivered congratulations via Twitter. He said "hope for a partnership that benefits both the United States and Mexico."

Lopez Obrador, former mayor of the Mexican capital Mexico City, described his predicted victory as a victory over corruption. "Together, we will free Mexico from corruption," said Lopez Obrador in his victory speech, in which he also mentioned the fight against poverty and the reduction of violence as spearheads.

Lopez Obrador also promised to make Mexico less economically dependent on the United States.


In addition to the president, the estimated 89 million voters could also elect parliament and thousands of regional and local administrators. These elections have been overshadowed by the resurgence of political violence over the past period.

More than 100 candidates and journalists were killed during the campaign for local government functions. This makes this campaign the most violent in the history of Mexico.

Lopez Obrador's victory can be seen as a political shift. Mexican politics has been dominated by the PRI for much of the last century. This party was still in power from 1929 to 2000. Then come two presidents of the PAN right, the Party of National Action

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