The Lower House will hold its own hit parade


Zohair confirmed a message about this in the program NPO Radio 1 De Nieuws BV. "As MPs, we are of course mainly involved in politics and we try to make the Netherlands look better and better every day in our own way," he explains. "But sometimes we all forget that we are people too, and the favorite songs say a lot about these people."

There is one condition: each list must contain at least one number in the national language. The idea was born during a dinner in the canteen of the House of Representatives. The deputies present began when the topic was discussed with passion to view and listen to spotty's lists of each other.

Top 2000

The 150 deputies received this week a mail with the request to submit their list. The intention is to publish the Top 150 of the House in early December.

Von Martels and El Yassini hope to be able to present the list in a NPO radio broadcast about the broadcast of the Top 2000. The favorite of the VVD parliamentarian is incidentally lucky son of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

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