The mother sees after 31 years her son who was kidnapped


Jermaine was kidnapped in Toronto in 1987 by his father, whom Lyneth had been separated a year earlier. Jermaine has lived all the time with his father in the United States under a false name.

Waiting for 33

Last week, the father was arrested because he was traveling with fake documents. It revealed who he really was and that Jermaine (now 33 years old) was with him.

Lyneth never lost hope of seeing her child again, but she learned that she had been found. she could hardly believe it. "The words could not express how I felt," she said at a press conference in Toronto, her home town. "When they told me that my son was still alive, it was almost impossible to understand, it's amazing."


Lyneth flew to the United States for reunification. When she saw her son for the first time, she immediately grabbed him firmly. "I wanted to feel it was real," she says. They then talked for two hours and she cooked for Jermain before returning home to Canada.

Lyneth wants to visit her son more often and is happy to have always hoped for reunification. "I am the proof that one must never give up, be patient and strong and continue to believe that anything is possible."

Jermaine's father has been arrested and is scheduled to appear before a judge soon.

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