The movement of the five Italian stars spreads false news about Jeroen Dijsselbloem


Jeroen Dijsselbloem has planned to punish Italy, reports the Italian website Pandora TV. The proof is an interview with the US channel CNBC with the former president of the Eurogroup. In this, Dijsselbloem – as the voiceover in Italian – calls on the financial markets and the European Central Bank to openly raise the interest rates of Italian government bonds and thus bankrupt banks, because they have many public documents. The balance.

You see, Pandora TV's conclusion is: "The financial institution is against the people." The Five Star MPs have gratefully placed the film on Facebook and invited him to follow him. The populist cabinet is useful in its struggle between Rome and Brussels over the "people's budget" with which Italy wants to spend much more than agreed.

Italian channels do not use subtitles and anyone has seen that this video had to rely on the makers of television channels. But the Butac website, which plays the role of watchdog against false information, looked at the real interview and found that Dijsselbloem had not said it at all. He said he hoped that Italian voters would understand how fragile the financial situation in their country was, that they understood that an implosion was imminent and that a correction would come from # 39; inside.

Even after the film's unveiling, the Five-Star Movement continues to accuse Dijsselbloem on Facebook of "financial terrorism". The man behind Pandora TV, Giulietto Chiesa, said laconically that he did not manipulate the text, but "decoded". But this case raises questions. Now 78, Chiesa is a former correspondent in Moscow where he has excellent contacts. He was often suggested to receive money from Russia. He had taken the video from the American website ZeroHedge, a financial blog that has often been linked to the alt-right movement in the United States.

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