The NAC condemns the "weird behavior" of fans: "Punishing the police hard"


NAC Breda is "very disappointed" with the fans who, after the home match with Willem II, caused trouble. That's what director Justin Goetzee said in a statement.

Leaving Rat Verlegh Stadium, fans of the NAC and Willem Ii wanted to be in the fist. This was impossible because of the fences, after which several objects were thrown. One group returned to the police and the MOE, where two policemen were slightly injured. Mayor Paul Depla shared footage of the riots Sunday night.

"The NAC is very disappointed with the unacceptable behavior of the small group of people who misbehaved in this case," the club said in a statement. "The NAC strongly condemns this behavior and, with the police, retires to find the people involved and punish them severely."

Goetzee, director general of NAC, is shocked. "The incidents yesterday were difficult with us and we are extremely disappointed," said Goetzee, who has worked hard with a group of NAC members to create the best possible climate for all fans. "And then, there is a small group of people who, by their bizarre behavior, throw a key into the room."