The old Tivolipand becomes a destination of culture and restoration


The old Tivoli pop scene of the Oudegracht in Utrecht is being redeveloped to become a hotel, a brewery and a bakery. The stage of the old main hall will also be used for performances putting the spotlight on the talent of Utrecht. According to the municipality of Utrecht, real estate developer Stadswaarde has presented the best plan and could renovate the building.

The parties announced it on Wednesday. The design is in the hands of Vocus Architects, for interior design the agency works with designers Pierre Mazairac and Karel Boonzaaijer. The parties promised that the historical character of the building as a former Regulierenklooster and Weeshuys would again be integrated into the project.

The plan consists of five elements. The old cloister hall, which later housed the great hall of Tivoli, has regained its former glory. The scene will be redefined as a small intimate scene (150 to 200 visitors) that will be programmed in collaboration with organizations such as the HKU and The Guess Who festivals.

The building was built in the Middle Ages. service as Regulierenklooster, but due to the use of the last decades, the original building structure is no longer visible because of all the walls, boxes and integrated parts. By "cleaning firmly" the building, the cloister garden and the cloister are again recognizable.

The cloister garden has a transparent roof and is connected to the ground floor of Kloosterzaal. This part of the "new" Tivoli is managed by four entrepreneurs from Utrecht, who will traditionally produce bread, coffee and beer in the heart of the catering industry.

On the ground floor of Old Kloosterzaal, a restaurant with traditional production concept and high quality cuisine. The restaurant will have a great ambition, but it will nevertheless be accessible to a wide audience, according to the initiators.

A 42-room boutique hotel is located on the different floors of the grand building. The history of the building will play an important role in the hotel concept.

The two childcare organizations already established in the building also have their place in the new situation. With a nursery, a playgroup and a daycare, rest in the Springweg's yard can be guaranteed, according to the promoter.

According to RTV Utrecht, the other user of the building, Kytopia, said that he preferred a different building in the city. The contract with this organization, as with other users, expires in March 2019, so that the building can be rented for free.

The coming year will be devoted to planning, coordinating with local residents, the municipality and other stakeholders. City Value expects the new building to open at the end of 2020.

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