The OPCW wants to investigate a possible toxic gas attack in Aleppo


The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) wants to investigate a possible toxic gas attack in the Syrian city of Aleppo last weekend. Probably between fifty and a hundred people were injured. The Syrian regime, which had previously been accused of using chlorine gas, called the Hague-based Watchdog to investigate the case.

The head of the OPCW, Fernando Arias, announced Monday that he had asked the United Nations to improve security in the Netherlands. to see the area, reports the Reuters news agency. This must show if a research team can be sent. According to Syrian state media, projectiles filled with toxic gases from outside the city were shot in different neighborhoods. The victims would suffer from respiratory problems.

Read also: The OPCW can now also identify the authors of toxic gas attacks

The Organization investigates chemical attacks more often in Syria and then presents them to results to the UN. Until now, the organization did not have the power to appoint an author. This was the case, for example, of the chlorine gas attack in Duma where, according to the West, the regime of President Assad was responsible. Seventy people died.

Syria against the extension of the OPCW

Starting in February 2019, the watchdog can also decide on who is responsible for the chemical attacks. By the way, Syria and Russia, one of the most important allies of the Assad regime, opposed the expansion of the power of the OPCW.

Since the possible toxic gas attack in Aleppo, Russian fighter planes have attacked several rebel targets in northern Syria. Rebel groups deny the use of chemical weapons and say the Syrian regime is trying to undermine the ceasefire in September.

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