The original Bible does not forbid homosexuality


22-07-2018 |
In the original biblical texts, there is no mention of homosexuality and sex between two people of the same sex is not forbidden. This is what Harvard Bible scholar Dr. Dershowitz after several scientific studies. After extensive scientific research, Dershowitz states that there is finally a clarity on how the Bible was written and how the text that the homosexual is not supposed to have finished in the book.

The current version of chapter 18 of the book Leviticus a list of prohibited acts and sexual orders:
"You will not have fellowship with one of the men, as one has in common with a woman: it is an abomination." (Lev 18:22)
"A man who has fellowship with somebody of the male sex, as one has in common with a woman, – both have done an abomination, they will certainly be put to death, their blood debt is upon them . " (Lev 20:13)

According to the biblical scholar Dr. ir. Dershowitz are not the original texts. According to Dershowitz, the spelling and wording of the verses are clearly different, and elsewhere in the Bible, the approval of the homosexual remained. According to the scientist, this indicates that long after the completion of the original biblical texts, the prohibition of sex between people of the same sex was added. Despite extensive research, it was not established when chapter 18 of the Levitical book was exactly adapted, according to Dershowitz in The New York Times. In the interview he says that the biblical texts are very old and that it has already been established beyond any doubt that these texts come from several authors. In previous editions of Leviticus, nothing would have been said about the homosexual.

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