The owner's vegetarian restaurant, Bangkok, does not stop human flesh in noodles | Now


The owner of a vegetarian restaurant in Bangkok did not use human flesh in his dishes. Several media, including, had previously mistakenly reported that the man had done so.

After a fact check by Nieuwscheckers the article turned out to be false. The website writes that the research team in Thailand had already contradicted previous media reports. There is talk of a murder in a restaurant, but the building was closed at the time of the murder due to renovations.

Earlier, it was reported that clients who thought they ate chicken or pig complained. authorities. When the researchers entered the restaurant's kitchen, they saw large splashes of blood on the walls and pieces of meat on the floor.

The Thai media, including the newspaper Khao Sod speaks of murder. However, the messages do not mention the human flesh contained in customers' foods. Contrary to what wrote, the owner did not treat the victim's body in the food.

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