The parasol pierces only tourist after a strong wind …


  Strandparasol pierces only tourists after a strong gust of wind

An umbrella on the Belgian coast (image of the archive).

Photo: Photo News

An umbrella to protect you from the sun is certainly not a luxury on the beach during this heat. But in the US seaside resort of Seaside Heights, a copy suddenly flew off, after which she landed with a hard blow in the ankle of a female strandganger.

The gust of wind surprised everyone, but countless bathers jumped immediately to help the woman. Ricky, who tanned nearby, took a picture of emergency services on the US East Coast. "I could have been that," he wrote in shock.

The police also remain shocked. Police chief, Tommmy Boyd, said his team had been impressed by "the bizarre accident". "During my 34-year career, I have never experienced that," it seems. Eventually, his team had to call the fire department to save the woman from the heavier part of the umbrella with a bolt cutter. The remnants of the steel rod were removed soon after in the nearest hospital

Warning, the local police now want to warn everyone. "Any umbrella that is not properly secured is dangerous with strong winds," Boyd explains to several English-language media.

A similar accident happened quickly. In 2016, a woman died on Virginia Beach, when a beach umbrella is over in her chest. Ed Quigley lost his eye a year later in Delaware with another strong gust of wind.

The advice from is clear:

  • Choose a sturdy umbrella with ventilated fabric, a sturdy handle and sturdy spokes. ] Place the umbrella diagonally against the direction of the wind
  • Do not tighten it with a twisting motion, but push it into the solid sand by striking firmly.
  • Lift the umbrella down: hang something on or put something on.
  • If it blows too hard, leave the umbrella behind.

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