The phone call that reported the overdose of Demi Lovato …


The American channel CNN was able to listen to the call recordings at the emergency center to seek urgent medical attention to American singer Demi Lovato, who was unaware at the time because of Overdose of drugs.

Male operator attempted to collect information about the patient, CNN could determine. He asks the interlocutor whether she is with the patient. "I was with her, now I'm downstairs.There are others.We just have to find someone quickly here." The woman, who does not know who was, quickly adds : "Wait, no sirens, please, agree?"

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"No, no, it's a medical emergency. I have no control over that, "reacts the operator. "It's clearly a medical emergency and we need to get there as fast as we can."

Lovato was finally rushed to hospital in critical condition. She seemed to have taken an overdose, heroin or powerful painkillers. The singer, only 25 years old, had addiction problems in the past. Recently, she had announced with the appropriate song "Sober" that she had relapsed into her old habits and she apologized to her parents and her fans.

Meanwhile, she is awake and surrounded by her family.

ALSO. Star disturbed after an overdose of Demi Lovato: "She was my idol"

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